Kelly-Ann Gibbs Cartwright - Lawyer in Miami, FL
Miami, FL 33131
Practice Areas
About the lawyer
Kelly-Ann Gibbs Cartwright practices in the area of generalcivil and commercial litigation, with an emphasis on employment discrimination,civil rights, business torts and labor law. Ms. Cartwright also has experiencein the litigation of cases involving trade secrets, defamation, fraud, civiltheft, breach of fiduciary duty, breach of contract and unfair competition.
Her employment and labor practice involves representation of clients beforefederal, state and local administrative agencies, at arbitration and in stateand federal court on matters arising out of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act,the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Whistle Blower Act, the National LaborRelations Act and other federal, state and local anti-discrimination andemployment statutes. Ms. Cartwright advises clients on compliance withemployment-related issues and regulations and assists in the development andimplementation of employment policies. She has served as principal trial counselfor management in a number of jury trials, arbitrations and administrativeproceedings. Ms. Cartwright has co-authored an article on class actioncommunications.
Ms. Cartwright received her Juris Doctor, with honors, from the University ofFlorida in 1991. Ms. Cartwright currently serves on the firm's DirectorsCommittee and is the executive partner for the firm's Miami office. She hasserved as the chair for the Miami office Women's Initiative. Ms. Cartwrightcurrently serves on the Federal Ad Hoc Grievance Committee for the United StatesDistrict Court for the Southern District of Florida and on the Board of the YWCAof Greater Miami-Dade. Ms. Cartwright has also served as a «Big Sister» in ayouth mentoring program known as Big Brothers/Big Sisters.
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