Casey Ryan - Lawyer in Pittsburgh, PA

Casey Ryan - Lawyer in Pittsburgh, PA
Reed Smith Centre, 225 Fifth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

About the lawyer

Casey Ryan is an excellent lawyer from Pittsburgh, PA. Attorney Casey Ryan works in an office located at Reed Smith Centre, 225 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222. Pittsburgh lawyer Jared K. Miller will help you solve all issues in the following areas of law: Employment Law - Management, Litigation - Labor and Employment, Labor, Employment and Employee Benefits, Employment Litigation, Employment Law, Employment Discrimination Law, Improper Fetal Monitoring During Labor, Labor Law - Management, Labor Law - Union Pittsburgh, PA. Casey Ryan is the best lawyer in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania state!

Casey is the Global Head of Legal Personnel and a member ofthe firm's Senior Management Team.

A member of the firm's Labor Employment Group, Caseyis listed in The Best Lawyers in America, Chambers USA and Pennsylvania SuperLawyers, Casey represents employers in a wide variety of employment-relateddisputes, including harassment, retaliation, discrimination, wrongful discharge,equal pay and breach of contract litigation. She has successfully litigated infederal and state courts throughout the United States, and routinely appearsbefore both federal and state agencies, including the Equal EmploymentOpportunity Commission and various state human relations commissions. She alsohas successfully defended employers in employment class actions and inlitigation brought by the EEOC.

Casey has an extensive arbitration practice, routinelyrepresents employers in FINRA, AAA and JAMS proceedings, and has prevailed innumerous arbitrations involving matters such as breach of employment contracts,wage claims, and bonus and incentive pay disputes.

As part of counseling employers on day-to-day issues, Casey regularly advises on issues of hiring, disciplining and firing in both unionized and non-unionized workplaces. She also authors employment policies, including drug and alcohol testing procedures, executive contracts, separation agreements and employee handbooks. Casey frequently conducts on-site training sessions on topics such as workforce management, workplace violence, harassment and discrimination, and computer and Internet usage.

A substantial portion of Casey's practice involvestraditional labor law and counseling employers on contract interpretation anddiscipline issues. She has represented employers in grievance arbitrations andin National Labor Relations Board proceedings, and has advised employers duringunion organizing campaigns.

Casey routinely represents colleges and universities onemployment issues, as well as those involving tenure, Clery Act compliance andstudent affairs. She is a member of the National Association of College andUniversity Attorneys and has presented at NACUAs regional and nationalconferences.

Additionally, Casey has conducted numerous internalinvestigations into matters including fraud, embezzlement, theft,discrimination and harassment. She also trains human resource professionals onconducting and documenting internal investigations.

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