Richard A. "Rich" Paul - Lawyer in San Diego, CA

Richard A. "Rich" Paul - Lawyer in San Diego, CA
101 West Broadway, Ninth Floor,
San Diego, CA 92101-8285

About the lawyer

Richard A. "Rich" Paul is an excellent lawyer from San Diego, CA. Attorney Richard A. "Rich" Paul works in an office located at 101 West Broadway, Ninth Floor, San Diego, CA 92101-8285. San Diego lawyer Jared K. Miller will help you solve all issues in the following areas of law: Employment Law - Management, Litigation - Labor and Employment, Labor, Employment and Employee Benefits, Employment Litigation, Employment Law, Employment Discrimination Law, Improper Fetal Monitoring During Labor, Labor Law - Management, Labor Law - Union San Diego, CA. Richard A. "Rich" Paul is the best lawyer in San Diego, California state!

Rich Paul has been a fixtureamong California management employment lawyers forover 30 years, with a special emphasis onrepresenting research and institutions of highereducation, as well as community impact and othercomplex organizations, in transactions andlitigation.

After graduating from StanfordLaw School, Rich joined the Gray Cary firm, andbecame a partner and Chair of that firm'sEmployment Law Group. In 1998 Rich co-founded hisown firm, Paul, Plevin, Sullivan Connaughton, tocontinue focusing on private and public sectoremployment law issues for California employers andmatters affecting high tech, research, highereducation and arts and other communityorganizations.

Mr. Paul is a frequentlecturer on California and national employment lawpanels, having been an invited presenter inChicago, Atlanta, New Orleans, Las Vegas,Scottsdale, Toronto, Washington, D.C.,and other venues. He has served as an adjunctProfessor of Employment Law at USD Law School formany years, and has been a regular lecturer atUCSD and a visiting lecturer at other law schools.He has served on a variety of Boards, includingthe Editorial Review Board for the CaliforniaEmployment Law Letters, and is past Chairman ofthe Board of The San Diego Blood Bank.

Mr.Paul has been named annually by his peers forinclusion in The Best Lawyers in America?since 1987. Hehas also been ranked among the «Best Lawyers inSan Diego» (San Diego Magazine), «BestEmployment Lawyers in San Diego» (San DiegoDaily Transcript), «San Diego Super Lawyers» (NewYork Times Supplement), «Best Labor andEmployment Counsel in California» (CorporateCounsel Magazine), «Southern California SuperLawyers»(L.A. Times) and similarpublications. In 2010 he was invited to become aFellow in the prestigious national College ofEmployment and Labor Lawyers, and in October, 2010was named as the single Best Labor andEmployment lawyer in San Diego by the BestLawyers publication.


Stanford University
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