Randall S. "Randy" Rich - Lawyer in Washington, DC

Randall S. "Randy" Rich - Lawyer in Washington, DC
1875 K Street, NW, Suite 700,
Washington, DC 20006

Practice Areas

About the lawyer

Randall S. "Randy" Rich is an excellent lawyer from Washington, DC. Attorney Randall S. "Randy" Rich works in an office located at 1875 K Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20006. Washington lawyer Jared K. Miller will help you solve all issues in the following areas of law: Energy Law, Energy Regulatory Law Washington, DC. Randall S. "Randy" Rich is the best lawyer in Washington, District of Columbia state!

Randall Rich is the Leader of Pierce Atwood's Energy Practice Group and the partner-in-charge of the Washington, DC office. Throughout his over 38 years of experience, beginning in the Office of General Counsel of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and continuing for more than 23 years at Bracewell, LLP, Randy always strives to form close personal bonds with clients as well as trusting relationships with both regulators and his colleagues in the energy bar. He gains an intimate understanding of the business and legal needs of clients by working for extended periods in their offices, hand-in-hand with in-house counsel. Randy guides clients through the rapidly changing regulation of the natural gas industry at the federal and state level, providing sophisticated counseling and representation in contested proceedings, multi-party settlements, applications, rulemakings and enforcement investigations.

Randy represents all segments of the energy and utility industries before the FERC, the U.S. Department of Energy, and state public utility commissions. He provides comprehensive legal counsel on natural gas regulation and policy, pipeline and utility ratemaking, tariffs, certificates and abandonment, natural gas transportation, gathering, marketing and trading, enforcement of and compliance with the Natural Gas Act (NGA), Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 (NGPA), and FERC regulations, natural gas business transactions, and oil pipeline regulation under the Interstate Commerce Act (ICA).

Since joining Pierce Atwood LLP as a partner in the Energy Practice Group in 2009, Randy continues to work with the firm's natural gas, oil and petroleum products clients before FERC and in related matters, including marketer/trader, producer and end-user clients and New England-based gas pipelines, LDCs and end-users with a significant and growing interest in natural gas, and crude oil and products producers, shippers and pipeline owners. He also has worked with consultants to foreign governments to draft new natural gas laws. His long-time representation of the Independent Oil Gas Association of West Virginia and the Pennsylvania Independent Oil Gas Association gives Randy keen insight into the development, production, and marketing of Marcellus and Utica shale natural gas, a game-changing supply of clean, strategically located domestic fuel that will power the eastern United States for the next century.


Washington University in St. Louis
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