Michael A. Akselrud - Lawyer in Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles, CA 91367
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About the lawyer
Michael Akselrud has been a valued member of the Lanier LawFirm since 2012, when he joined the firm as a law clerk and member of thepharmaceutical litigation team. In the time since, hes become an integral partof the firms Los Angeles office. Hes worked on litigation at both the stateand federal level on cases dealing with everything from commercial matters andpersonal injury to products liability and mass torts. Mr. Akselrud was recentlya part of a verdict which made headlines across the country, in which 22 womenand their families were awarded $4.69 billion after alleging that daily use ofJohnson Johnson talcum powder over a period of decades had caused theirovarian cancer. He also played a large role in the case against DePuyOrthopaedics, Inc., a subsidiary of Johnson Johnson, in which plaintiffsalleged the company had sold them faulty hip replacements.
Before joining the Lanier team, Mr. Akselrudworked for the Cancer Legal Resource Center, as well as the Bet Tzedek LegalServices in Los Angeles, which provides pro bono legal services for elderly anddisenfranchised individuals residing in Los Angeles County. He has beenselected as a Southern California Rising Star by Thomson Reuters from 2015 to2019. He is licensed to practice in all California State Courts, as well as theUnited States District Court for the Central, Southern and Northern Districtsof California.
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