Michael Mulvania - Lawyer in Denver, CO
Denver, CO 80202
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About the lawyer
Michael Mulvania represents clients in complex commercialand general business litigation at the trial level. His practice focuses on a diverseset of industries and areas of practice, including commercial, oil and gas,trade secrets, class actions, securities, antitrust, environmental litigationand products liability.
Mr. Mulvania is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, where he received a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. Asan attorney who regularly handles highly technical cases involving tradesecrets, economics, and products liability, this training has proven invaluable.He is easily able to translate the testimony given by expert witnesses into aneasy-to-understand narrative that is quickly grasped by judges and juries. Priorto becoming an attorney, Mr. Mulvania served more than two years in Iraq as acavalry officer in the United States Army. There, his assignments includedarmor platoon leader, armor company executive officer, and battalion logisticsofficer.
Mr. Mulvania earned his law degree from the University ofMichigan Law School and later served as a law clerk for Judge Andrew J.Kleinfeld of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit inFairbanks, Alaska. He is licensed to practice in Colorado and Virginia, as wellas the United States districts courts for Colorado and the District ofColombia, and the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
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