Raleigh "Lee" Greene - Lawyer in St. Petersburg, FL

St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Practice Areas
About the lawyer
Raleigh Lee Greene, though born in Gainesville (theSwamp), is a 3rd generation native of St. Petersburg. He attended UF receiving his degree ineconomics (1970), his J.D. (1973), was an active member of Florida Blue Key and,many years later, was selected as a Gator Great in 2016 by the UF alumniassociation. He has been a member of theFlorida Bar since 1973 and a member of the D.C. Bar since 1986. He served as a JAG officer with the US NavyReserve, having received a presidential commission in 1973, for several years.He was selected as one of the Outstanding Young Men of America (1983).
While consistently remaining in the legal profession inexcess of the last four decades, he has had an extensive background in businessand management, including having served as the President of Florida FederalSavings and Loan Association, as the Chief Operations Officer and GeneralCounsel to the Allegheny Health System, and as the President of S.A. Insurance,LTD. Prior to establishing his own firm(Greene Greene, LLC), he had been a partner with Greene Mastry forseveral years.
Within the areas of community and political involvement, startingwith political, highlights include President Carters finance advisorycommittee, Governor Grahams high speed rail task force, Governor Chilestransition team (social services task force), and Governor Dukakiss nationalfinance committee. He also had theprivilege of testifying before Senator Doles tax and finance committee duringthe successful effort for the universal application of IRAS in the early 80s.
Concerning community, chaired the Pinellas Sports Authority,the Florida Sports Hall of Fame, the Downtown Development Corporation (DICO),and the Catholic Education Foundation Appeal (Pinellas County). He has servedas President of the St. Petersburg Bar Association, as one of three foundingmembers of the Canakaris Inn of Court, as one of the founding members of TheTampa Bay Academy of Collaborative Professionals, and on multiple boardsincluding the Executive Committee of the Law Center Council (UF), the FloridaChamber of Commerce, the board of St. Leos University, the Florida Orchestra,St. Petersburg Suncoasters, the Pinellas Marine Institute, and St. PeteProgress Inc. He was recognized by the Boy Scouts of America as a distinguishedcitizen in 2017. On a lobbying pro bono basis, he recently represented the St.Petersburg Chamber as part of the University of South Floridas successfulquest for the St. Petersburg Campuss College of Business.
In addition to substantive litigation and transactionalexperience, he has mediated in excess of 3500 cases, in state and federal court,over the last quarter century. He is afrequent lecturer, locally, statewide, and nationally on trial practice,negotiation, and alternative dispute resolution. He has served as a publicarbitrator for the New York Stock Exchange and as an arbitrator for the SixthJudicial Circuit (Florida). In 2016, hepresented to the 17th Annual International Academy of CollaborativeProfessionals, of which he is a member, in Amsterdam. He continues to be selected by his peers forinclusion in The Best Lawyers in America and Florida Legal Elite.
Lee has three children and five grandchildren and he and hiswife, Beverly, have been married for 40 years.
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