Elizabeth L. Troutman - Lawyer in Greensboro, NC

Elizabeth L. Troutman - Lawyer in Greensboro, NC
Renaissance Plaza, Suite 2000, 230 North Elm Street, P.O. Box 26000,
Greensboro, NC 27420

About the lawyer

Elizabeth L. Troutman is an excellent lawyer from Greensboro, NC. Attorney Elizabeth L. Troutman works in an office located at Renaissance Plaza, Suite 2000, 230 North Elm Street, P.O. Box 26000, Greensboro, NC 27420. Greensboro lawyer Jared K. Miller will help you solve all issues in the following areas of law: Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Complex and High Profile Civil and Commercial Litigation, Civil and Commercial Litigation, Business and Commercial Transactions, Complex Commercial Litigation, Commercial and Corporate Litigation, Complex Commercial and Corporate Litigation, Commercial and Residential Real Estate, Business and Commercial Law, Education Law, School Accidents Law, School Injuries Law Greensboro, NC. Elizabeth L. Troutman is the best lawyer in Greensboro, North Carolina state!

Elizabeth Troutman advises public school boards of education, private educational institutions, colleges and universities on a myriad of education issues, and litigates on behalf of educational institutions in state and federal courts. Elizabeth also helps clients in a variety of industries navigate the complexities of human resources and employment law issues, including employment policies and employee separation.

Elizabeth advises public school boards of education, private educational institutions, and colleges and universities on a multitude of education issues, and advocates for educational institutions in administrative proceedings, state and federal courts, and before local, state, and federal regulatory agencies. Her experience includes developing policies and procedures for schools, handling investigations by the Office of Civil Rights, conducting board of education hearings, managing and advising on student discipline and employment matters, advising on federal and state legislative strategies, addressing a myriad of compliance-related issues, and defending educational institutions in state and federal courts.

With prior experience working with the North Carolina School Boards Association, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Education and the Workforce, the Council for Childrens Rights in Charlotte, and the Education Innovations Group, as well as conducting extensive research on rural education policy issues, Elizabeth brings a valuable perspective to Brooks Pierce and the Firm's education clients. Elizabeth serves on the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Council of School Attorneys and is a frequent speaker at education law conferences.

Elizabeth also regularly counsels clients on compliance with state and federal employment laws, employee management concerns, employment discrimination matters, Family and Medical Leave Act issues, and issues related to disability discrimination and accommodation claims. Elizabeth has also defended clients in suits related to employment contracts, the First Amendment, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Elizabeth conducts and advises employers on internal investigations. She has experience in various investigations, including discrimination claims, allegations of abuse and sexual misconduct in educational settings, and compliance with requirements associated with use of federal funds.


The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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