Laci Bowman - Lawyer in Dallas, TX

Laci Bowman - Lawyer in Dallas, TX
Renaissance Tower, Suite 1700, 1201 Elm Street,
Dallas, TX 75270

About the lawyer

Laci Bowman is an excellent lawyer from Dallas, TX. Attorney Laci Bowman works in an office located at Renaissance Tower, Suite 1700, 1201 Elm Street, Dallas, TX 75270. Dallas lawyer Jared K. Miller will help you solve all issues in the following areas of law: Family Law, Matrimonial and Family Law, Family Businesses Law, Collaborative Law: Family Law Dallas, TX. Laci Bowman is the best lawyer in Dallas, Texas state!

LaciBowman represents clients in all aspects of family law, including divorce,modification proceedings, premarital and post marital property agreements,suits affecting parent-child relationship, and enforcement issues.

Board Certified in Family Law by theTexas Board of Legal Specialization since 2013, Ms. Bowman has extensiveexperience negotiating difficult settlement agreements or, when appropriate, takinga case through trial. She has tried multiple jury trials, bench trials, andarbitrations involving property and children disputes, and provides clients theability to weigh the risks and rewards of taking a case to trial or reaching asettlement.

Trainedas a collaborative attorney, Ms. Bowman offers clients the option of addressingtheir family law needs outside of the courtroom through confidential settlementproceedings. She co-founded, and served as President of, the Collaborative LawProfessionals of North Texas, a collaborative law practice group. Ms. Bowman understandsthat, as a counselor, part of her job is to have the tools and knowledgeavailable to help their clients address their specific goals and interests inthe most efficient and effective manner possible. The Collaborative LawProfessionals of North Texas has since merged into Collaborative Law Dallas, agroup of skilled lawyers, mental health professionals, and financialprofessionals, where Ms. Bowman remains deeply involved to this day.

Priorto devoting her practice to family law, Ms. Bowman represented clients incomplex high stakes commercial litigation issues in both Federal and StateCourt. That experience helps her provide insight and potential solutions to herclients with regard to the complex property division issues that often arise infamily law disputes.

Reflecting the professional excellence shesbecome known for, Ms. Bowman has been chosen among D Magazines Best Lawyers inDallas Under 40, named nine times to Thomson Reuters Texas Rising Stars,honoring the most highly regarded young attorneys in the state, and has beenselected to Thomson Reuters list of the Texas Up and Coming 100 Texas RisingStars and the Up and Coming 50 Texas Women Rising Stars, honoring the top 100young lawyers and top 50 young female lawyers among the ranks of Texas RisingStars.

Ms. Bowman graduated from The Universityof Texas at Austin in 2004, with a B.S. in Communications Studies with Honorsand a B.A. in Government with Honors, and from Baylor University School of Lawin 2009. She is licensed to practice in the State of Texas, as well as the UnitedStates districts courts for the Northern and Eastern districts of Texas.


Baylor University
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