W. Todd Miller - Lawyer in Washington, DC

W. Todd Miller - Lawyer in Washington, DC
2401 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 300,
Washington, DC 20037

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About the lawyer

W. Todd Miller is an excellent lawyer from Washington, DC. Attorney W. Todd Miller works in an office located at 2401 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20037. Washington lawyer Jared K. Miller will help you solve all issues in the following areas of law: Litigation, Antitrust Law, Litigation - Antitrust Washington, DC. W. Todd Miller is the best lawyer in Washington, District of Columbia state!

Todd Miller is the managing partner of Baker Miller PLLC andpractices in the areas of antitrust and international business regulation. Mr.Millers practice focuses on counseling clients on all aspects of antitrust andconsumer protection law, including intellectual property licensing andenforcement, distribution practices, pricing and Robinson-Patman Act issues,antitrust exemptions and compliance. He has extensive experience before theFederal Trade Commission, the U.S. Department of Justice, various state antitrustagencies and international antitrust enforcement agencies in civil and criminalinvestigations and has substantial litigation and arbitration experience forboth plaintiffs and defendants.

Mr. Miller is actively involvedin a variety of criminal and civil governmental investigations and class actionlitigation. Many of these matters havean intellectual property or international focus. Currently, Mr. Miller servesas counsel for Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) in its U.S. class action defenseand on DOJ matters. He is U.S. counselfor Tokai Rika, an auto parts manufacturer in the current global investigationand civil litigation in that industry. He was also U.S. counsel for Qantas in the air cargo criminalinvestigation and continues to defend it in associated civil litigation.

Mr. Miller has been engaged inacquisitions and joint ventures involving numerous industries, includingagricultural products, financial services, telecommunications, oil and mining,industrial and defense products, aerospace, health care services and hospitals,household products, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, intellectual propertyrights, medical devices, software, food, beverage and grocery products anddistribution.

For over twenty years, Mr. Millerhas been on the faculty of the Washington College of Law at the AmericanUniversity in Washington, D.C., teaching International Antitrust Law and hastaught and lectured at other universities, including the University ofWisconsin and Duke University. Mr.Miller has also written and spoken extensively on a variety of antitrust andrelated issues, including on European competition law, amnesty law programs,private remedies, international jurisdiction, pricing practices, andterminating distributors. He is theprincipal author of the U.S. merger regulation and co-author onmultijurisdictional merger reporting chapters in International Mergers: TheAntitrust Process (3d ed., Rowley Baker, eds.). He has been named by several publications asone of leading competition lawyers in the world, and his firm is widelyrecognized as one of the leading competition firms.

Mr. Miller received a B.A. ineconomics with distinction from the University of Virginia and a J.D. withhonors from the University of Michigan Law School.


University of Michigan — Ann Arbor
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