Adam Stone - Lawyer in Jackson, MS

Adam Stone - Lawyer in Jackson, MS
Suite 800, 190 E Capitol Street,
Jackson, MS 39201

About the lawyer

Adam Stone is an excellent lawyer from Jackson, MS. Attorney Adam Stone works in an office located at Suite 800, 190 E Capitol Street, Jackson, MS 39201. Jackson lawyer Jared K. Miller will help you solve all issues in the following areas of law: Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Complex and High Profile Civil and Commercial Litigation, Civil and Commercial Litigation, Business and Commercial Transactions, Complex Commercial Litigation, Commercial and Corporate Litigation, Complex Commercial and Corporate Litigation, Commercial and Residential Real Estate, Business and Commercial Law Jackson, MS. Adam Stone is the best lawyer in Jackson, Mississippi state!

Adam Stone is a partner in the Litigation Practice Group. Hefocuses his practice on complex commercial litigation and arbitration forclients in the financial services, insurance, manufacturing, and constructionindustries. Adam Stone has more than 20 years of experience representingparties in significant complex commercial and construction disputes. Adamis a US Green Building Council LEED Accredited Professional (LEED-AP) and hasextensive construction law experience. He drafts construction contracts and haslitigated and arbitrated significant matters for owners, contractors,subcontractors, material suppliers, sureties, and design professionalsinvolving defective design claims, defective construction claims, lien claims,and ADA compliance claims. In one case involving the construction of sevencondominiums complexes on the Mississippi Gulf Coast following HurricaneKatrina, Adam successfully struck both of the plaintiffs experts, obtainedsummary judgment, and prevailed on appeal. The Mississippi Supreme Courtsopinion affirming the decision is often cited on the standard forsupplementation of expert testimony. Co-author of the Construction Lawchapter of the Encyclopedia of Mississippi Law, Adam also has been listedannually in Mid-South Super Lawyers in the area of ConstructionLitigation. He has been recognized by former Governor Haley Barbour and theMississippi Development Authority for dedication and support of the ModelContractor Development Program. Adam serves as a vice chair of the ABAState and Local Procurement Law Division and authored the Mississippi chapterof the ABAs Guide to State Procurement. He has represented serviceproviders, material suppliers, and contractors in multimillion-dollar biddisputes on public projects. In connection with this representation, he haslitigated trade secret and public records disputes and has published on thetopic, including The Use of Mississippis Public Records Act in theProcurement Process, The Procurement Lawyer, Summer 2016. Adam also hassignificant experience representing major manufacturers, including a steelmill, a steel fabricator, an automobile manufacturer, a plastics company, apolyethylene terephthalate resin manufacturer, a fabric company, a recyclingcompany, and a furniture manufacturer. Adam regularly represents these manufacturersin large sales disputes under the Uniform Commercial Code, service contractdisputes, trade secret disputes, and non-compete disputes. After handlinga series of disputes involving both construction and lender liability issues,Adams financial services litigation practice grew to now includerepresentation of banks, independent lenders, debt settlement negotiators, anddebt collectors in suits brought under the Truth in Lending Act, the Fair DebtCollection Practices Act, the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the MississippiConsumer Protection Act, and others. Adam has particular experience incompelling these cases to arbitration and defending such suits in adversaryproceedings in bankruptcy court.


University of Mississippi
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