Michael D. Bridges - Lawyer in Columbus, OH
Columbus, OH 43215
Practice Areas
About the lawyer
Michael hasover twenty-five years of experience representing clients in commercial realestate and commercial financing for projects throughout the United States. Michaelrepresents clients in the leasing, disposition and acquisition of industrial,office, multi-family, and hospitality properties throughout the UnitedStates. Such representation includesstructuring joint venture agreements, public-private partnerships,build-to-suit leasing, and credit tenant leasing. Mr. Bridges also representsnumerous lenders and borrowers in construction and permanent financing of realestate assets.
Representative matters include the structuring and negotiating of amaster development agreement for the conversion of a 2,000 acre airbase into anoffice and warehouse park, joint-venture agreements for the development andfinancing of assisted living, independent living and skilled nursing facilities,development of leasing program for an equity fund specializing in assistedliving and skilled nursing facilities, and tax-incentive constructionfinancing.
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