Julie Nociolo - Lawyer in Troy, NY
Troy, NY 12180
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About the lawyer
Julie workstirelessly to achieve the desired outcomes for her clients and to educate themabout the often misunderstood realities of defending a criminal case. Her passion for her clients has been quicklyrecognized and respected by judges and her adversaries in state and federalcourts, and both know that she will not back down when faced with unanticipatedobstacles. The same holds true whendefending students accused of misconduct or Title IX violations at colleges anduniversities. Julie carefully considerswhen best to use certain litigation strategies and confidently presses heradversaries in order to exercise and protect her clients rights.
Julies trialresults have earned the respect of the legal community, and she has attainedsignificant victories despite her relatively short time in privatepractice. Since joining E. Stewart JonesHacker Murphy, Julie has joined forces with James Knox and E. Stewart Jones,Jr. to defend against countless state and federal felonies. The guiding principal of her practice is thatsignificant criminal cases require the attention of a team and if a case is toproceed to trial, at least two attorneys will prepare the client and their familyand zealously defend the client from the counsel table.
Although she is a passionate trial attorney, some of her greatestvictories are when trial or even criminal charges are avoided because of adismissal of an indictment, a favorable plea bargain, or representation duringa government investigation. Julie alwaysconsiders the entire impact a criminal case has on a client and often advisesand represents clients on collateral matters including litigating parallelcivil enforcement proceedings or defending a clients professional licensefollowing criminal charges. Should anappeal be required in a clients case, she is trained as a former New YorkState Court of Appeals judicial clerk to draft and argue cases before appellatecourts.
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