Theodore J. "Ted" Murphy - Lawyer in West Chester, PA

Theodore J. "Ted" Murphy - Lawyer in West Chester, PA
320 North High Street,
West Chester, PA 19380

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About the lawyer

Theodore J. "Ted" Murphy is an excellent lawyer from West Chester, PA. Attorney Theodore J. "Ted" Murphy works in an office located at 320 North High Street, West Chester, PA 19380. West Chester lawyer Jared K. Miller will help you solve all issues in the following areas of law: Immigration Law West Chester, PA. Theodore J. "Ted" Murphy is the best lawyer in West Chester, Pennsylvania state!

Theodore J. Murphy — Ted has beeninvolved with Immigration matters since 1993. He is currently the founderand managing attorney of the Murphy Law Firm in West Chester,Pennsylvania. Ted is a member of the American Immigration LawyersAssociation (AILA) and the Chester County, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania andAmerican Bar Associations. He was an adjunct professor at The BeasleySchool of Law, Temple University. He is a frequent lecturer onimmigration matters. Ted has been on the faculty at the National AILAConference, several state-wide CLE presentations as a faculty member for thePennsylvania Bar Institute and many CLE presentations with the PhiladelphiaAILA Chapter. He conducts multiple CLE presentations regularly inPennsylvania and Delaware. Ted is an active member and Vice Chair of thePennsylvania Bar Association Immigration Committee and Chair of the ChesterCounty Bar Association Immigration Section.

Ted began his legal career as a solo attorney, winning a number ofnotable matters before joining the former INS as a trial attorney at thedetention facility in York, Pennsylvania. He served with the Departmentof Justice and Department of Homeland Security from May 1997 until October2007. During this time he worked as an assistant Chief Counsel, advisorto the Joint Terrorism Task Force in Philadelphia, Special Assistant U.S.Attorney at U.S. Attorney Office in Philadelphia, and as a member of the ICENational Security Law Division in Washington, DC.

Prior to his career inlaw, he served in the U.S. Army with various units including the82nd Airborne Division.Early on, he worked for three years as a construction and landsurveyor with a civilengineering firm in Chester County, PA.

Mr. Murphy received hisundergraduate degree at Georgetown University (B.A., 1983)and his Law Degree(J.D., 1994) and Master of Laws (International Law) (LL.M., 1997)from Temple University.


Temple University
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