Allan Bullwinkel - Lawyer in Houston, TX

Allan Bullwinkel - Lawyer in Houston, TX
1111 Bagby, Suite 2100,
Houston, TX 77002

Practice Areas

About the lawyer

Allan Bullwinkel is an excellent lawyer from Houston, TX. Attorney Allan Bullwinkel works in an office located at 1111 Bagby, Suite 2100, Houston, TX 77002. Houston lawyer Jared K. Miller will help you solve all issues in the following areas of law: Litigation, Litigation - Patent, Patent Law Houston, TX. Allan Bullwinkel is the best lawyer in Houston, Texas state!

Allan Bullwinkelspractice focuses on patent litigation related to computer and electricalengineering technologies in federal district courts and inter partes review at the U.S. Patent Trial and Appeal Board.He also handles cases involving patent-related antitrust litigation and IP-relatedappeals before the Federal Circuit.

Withan engineering degree and many years of prior work experience as an engineer, Mr. Bullwinkel brings a robust understanding of technical issues and an ability toengage with the technical aspects of cases. He has the legal and technicalexpertise to navigate the intricacies of complicated technologies whileadvocating vigorously for them in front of courts or the patent office.

Priorto joining the firm, Mr. Bullwinkel served as a judicial law clerk to Judge LeonardDavis at the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas.Before becoming an attorney, he spent 10 years working as asoftware developer for both small startups and large research institutions.That work ranged from developing software in a variety of programming languagesto leading development teams for commercial software products. This experiencehas helped Mr. Bullwinkel bring a robust understanding of technology and anability to engage in the technical aspects of the cases he takes on.

Whileattending the University of Houston Law Center, Mr. Bullwinkel served as the ManagingEditor of the Houston Law Review. He was also a member of the UHLC MootCourt Team as a writer and speaker. Mr. Bullwinkel continues to coach UHLC Moot Courtteams that compete in the Giles Rich Moot Court competition.


University of Houston Law Center
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