Jennifer L. Hernandez - Lawyer in San Francisco, CA

Jennifer L. Hernandez - Lawyer in San Francisco, CA
50 California Street, Suite 2800,
San Francisco, CA 94111

About the lawyer

Jennifer L. Hernandez is an excellent lawyer from San Francisco, CA. Attorney Jennifer L. Hernandez works in an office located at 50 California Street, Suite 2800, San Francisco, CA 94111. San Francisco lawyer Jared K. Miller will help you solve all issues in the following areas of law: Environmental Law, Toxic Torts and Environmental Law, Land Use and Zoning Law, Zoning and Land Use Law, Real Estate and Zoning San Francisco, CA. Jennifer L. Hernandez is the best lawyer in San Francisco, California state!

Jennifer L. Hernandez co-chairs Holland KnightsNational Environmental Team and leads the West Coast Land Use and EnvironmentPractice Group. She divides her time between the San Francisco and Los Angelesoffices, and works on projects in Northern and Southern California, as well asthe Central Valley. She has achieved national prominence in her work onbrownfields redevelopment, wetlands and endangered species, and master plannedcommunity projects. She represents private, nonprofit and public sector clients,ranging from real estate developers and redevelopment agencies, to biotechnologyand other operating industries, to communication and energy utilities. Ms.Hernandez serves on the firm's Directors Committee.

Ms. Hernandez also chairs a conference on Climate Change Law in Californiaand has written and spoken extensively on major California climate change laws(including AB 32, SB 375 and SB 97) and emerging climate change regulations andguidance documents. Her climate change practice currently includes integratingclimate change requirements into the environmental analyses (relating togreenhouse gas emissions as well as water supply, flood and fire risk, and othertopical areas) required by the California Environmental Quality Act for new andmodified projects and plans, and advising clients on legislative and regulatoryproceedings pending in Sacramento, in various regional air districts, and inClimate Action Plans and other land use policies being developed by cities andcounties.

She has taught land use and environmental law for theUniversity of California and Stanford Law School and frequently speaks forclient and lawyer professional associations and continuing educationseminars.

She has written two books and more than 30 articles onenvironmental and land use law. She has received several professional awards,including an American Planning Association Award for her book, «A PracticalGuide to the California Environmental Quality Act,» the Greenlining Institute's«Big Brain Award» for developing a «New Paradigm that Intersects Environmentaland Inner-City Economic and Health Goals,» and the Yerba Buena Alliance's«Unsung Hero/Heroine Award» for work on Brownfields policies. Mayor Brownproclaimed October 9, 2002 as «Jennifer Hernandez Day in San Francisco» for herwork on sustainable land use and for being a «warrior on the brownfield.»

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