Theodore V. H. Mayer - Lawyer in New York, NY

Theodore V. H. Mayer - Lawyer in New York, NY
One Battery Park Plaza,
New York, NY 10004-1482

About the lawyer

Theodore V. H. Mayer is an excellent lawyer from New York, NY. Attorney Theodore V. H. Mayer works in an office located at One Battery Park Plaza, New York, NY 10004-1482. New York lawyer Jared K. Miller will help you solve all issues in the following areas of law: Litigation, Product Liability Litigation - Defendants, Product Liability Defense, Product Liability Law, Drug Product Liability New York, NY. Theodore V. H. Mayer is the best lawyer in New York, New York state!

Theodore V.H. Mayer is managing partner of Hughes Hubbard Reed. He is a member of the firm's Executive Committee and itsCompensation Committee. He formerly chaired the firm's Litigation department.His practice focuses on product liability and on complex litigation generally.

Ted's product liability work has included leading successfuldefense efforts in many of the largest and most complex tort litigations in theUS over the past three decades, as well as in many individual cases. He hascoordinated the national defense of several major pharmaceutical litigationsand has led teams defending manufacturers of vaccines, blood products,automobiles, asbestos-containing products, toys and many other products.Chambers USA has consistently recognized Ted as one of the leading productliability defense lawyers in the United States. Outside the products area,Ted's experience includes trials, appeals and coordination of commercial,professional liability and insurance litigation.

Ted has chaired the Product Liability Committee of theAssociation of the Bar of the City of New York and has served on theassociation's Judiciary Committee and Committee on Professional Responsibility.He has lectured and published on topics relating to product liability, classactions and professional ethics. He is the author with Robb Patryk of thetreatise «Product Liability,» published by Law Journal Press.

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