Pierce Willard Hamblin - Lawyer in Lexington, KY

Pierce Willard Hamblin - Lawyer in Lexington, KY
106 West Vine Street, Suite 800,
Lexington, KY 40507

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About the lawyer

Pierce Willard Hamblin is an excellent lawyer from Lexington, KY. Attorney Pierce Willard Hamblin works in an office located at 106 West Vine Street, Suite 800, Lexington, KY 40507. Lexington lawyer Jared K. Miller will help you solve all issues in the following areas of law: Arbitration, Mediation, Family Law Mediation Lexington, KY. Pierce Willard Hamblin is the best lawyer in Lexington, Kentucky state!

Pierce W. Hamblin is a partner in the law firm of Landrum Shouse, LLP inLexington and Louisville, Kentucky. Mr. Hamblin has also been, and continues tobe, an Adjunct Professor of Law at the University Kentucky College of Law. Forthe past 30 years, he has taught a course in trial work and trial tactics knownas LITIGATION SKILLS to Senior Law Students at the College of Law. He alsoteaches another course to Senior Law Students at the Law School known asNEGOTIATIONS. He is an AV rated trial lawyer in Martidale-Hubbell, and hasbeen so for 15 years.

In 2006, Mr. Hamblin was inducted into the University of Kentucky College ofLaw Hall of Fame. In 2000, Mr. Hamblin was appointed by the Johnson CircuitCourt as a Trial Commissioner or Special Master to handle mass tort litigationin this Eastern Kentucky jurisdiction. He served in that position for severalyears.

Most recently, he was appointed by order of multiple Courts to serve as aSpecial Master Commissioner in a multiple claim litigation throughout easternKentucky.

He is a past member of the Board of Directors for the Kentucky Bar Foundationof the Kentucky Bar Association. Mr. Hamblin is the Chairman for the FayetteCounty Bar Association Civil Litigation Section. In this capacity, he isresponsible for arranging continuing legal education training programs for civiltrial attorneys in Lexington, Kentucky.

He is a recipient of the American Juris Prudence Award for both Property andCorporate Finance Law. He has been selected as a Best Lawyer for the past 10years (2004-2014) and was recently names a 2014 Best Lawyer for Mediation inLexington by Best Lawyers of America.

Mr. Hamblin has spent the past 32 years litigating cases. He has tried casesthroughout Central and Eastern Kentucky ranging from personal injury, wrongfuldeath and product liability to medical/legal malpractice and municipal civilrights cases and police pursuit cases. He has defended multiple insurancecompanies in Bad Faith litigation throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Hehas been lead trial counsel for many insurance companies in this area ofKentucky, having been so for a number of years. He has spoken on numerousoccasions to the Kentucky State Claims Association and many local Kentucky BarAssociations on the Law of Bad Faith, Trial Tactics, Opening Statements, ClosingArguments and Insurance Defense/Coverage Litigation. He has addressed theDefense Research Institute Annual Products Liability Conference on evaluation ofInjury and Death Claims.

Mr. Hamblin is a trained and certified mediator through the Mediation Centerof Central Kentucky. He has mediated over 5,000 large civil and medicalmalpractice cases involving multiple litigants in the past twelve years. Mr.Hamblin was nominated and selected for the Best Lawyers in America, after anexhaustive peer-review study by lawyers in his specialties of mediation andarbitration.

Mr. Hamblin served as a Captain in the United States Army and Army Reserveswith intensive training in the specialty of Military Intelligence. He was TheDistinguished Graduate of the Military Intelligence Officer Basic Courseprovided by the Army for 1977 and he is certified both as a TacticalIntelligence Officer and a Counter-Intelligence Officer. He also received adegree in Military Law from the University of Virginia College of Law.Thereafter, he served as the Judge Advocate for an Army Training Brigade.

Mr. Hamblin has been a mentor for every law school in the Commonwealth forstudents participating in the Kentucky Legal Education Opportunities (KLEO)Programs. He has served in this program since its inception. This programprovides guidance for entering law students from underrepresented and diverseareas of the state.

He is the 2013 recipient of the Kentucky Service to Young Lawyers Award,presented by the Young Lawyers Division of the Kentucky Bar Association.

He is married and has the three best looking children in the world.


University of Kentucky
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