Majed Nachawati - Lawyer in Dallas, TX

Majed Nachawati - Lawyer in Dallas, TX
5473 Blair Road,
Dallas, TX 75231

About the lawyer

Majed Nachawati is an excellent lawyer from Dallas, TX. Attorney Majed Nachawati works in an office located at 5473 Blair Road, Dallas, TX 75231. Dallas lawyer Jared K. Miller will help you solve all issues in the following areas of law: Litigation, Personal Injury Litigation - Plaintiffs, Personal Injury Overview, Personal Injury Law, Personal Injury Litigation, Serious Personal Injury Law, Military Personal Injury Law Dallas, TX. Majed Nachawati is the best lawyer in Dallas, Texas state!

Majed Nachawati always had a very clear idea of the kind oflaw he wanted to practice. He wanted to help victims of personal injuries andwrongful death, but he also wanted to help those who had been hurt because ofdefective drugs and medical devices and environmental contamination and to helpplaintiffs with antitrust matters and class actions.

Mr. Nachawati considers the law to be a calling and not justa career. His wish is to exemplify that by adhering to the highest ethicalstandards. While hes garnered a reputation as an aggressive attorney whoswilling to fight for his clients, anyone you ask will attest to his honesty andfairness. Mr. Nachawati is a member of the State Bar of Texas ProfessionalismCommittee. He also serves on the Legal Ethics Committee of the Dallas BarAssociation, the Public Justice Board of Directors, the Texas Trial LawyersAssociation Board of Directors, and is a Leaders Forum member of the AmericanAssociation for Justice. Mr. Nachawati is also a prolific speaker and writerand often presents and authors papers on topics relating to ethics and the law.

Following a clerkship for the 13th Court ofAppeals of Texas,Mr. Nachawati joined partner Bryan Fears to co-found their law firm, FearsNachawati, which the two run to this day. Over the years, the firm has come tobe known for its ability to take on tough, complex cases and consistentlyachieve favorable results for its clients.

Mr. Nachawati received his Bachelor of Arts from SouthernMethodist University before attending the University of Houston Law Center. Heis licensed to practice in Texas and Arkansas, the United States District courts for theNorthern, Southern and Eastern districts of Texas, and the United States Court ofAppeals for the Fifth Circuit.


University of Houston Law Center
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