Joe Roden - Lawyer in Houston, TX
Houston, TX 77010
Practice Areas
About the lawyer
Joe Roden grew up in Liberty, Texas and attended the Universityof Texas as an undergraduate, where he graduated in 1988. He then went into theU.S. Marine Corps. Joe attained the rank of 1st Lieutenant and was a decoratedofficer in the Marine Corps during Desert Storm, the first Gulf War. Afterleaving the Marine Corps, he graduated from the University of Houston LawCenter with honors and then clerked for Justice Murry Cohen on the First Courtof Appeals. After clerking for the Court of Appeals, he joined McGinnis,Lochridge and Kilgore, where he did primarily appellate work, an area ofconcentration he has continued while at Rusty Hardin Associates.
Joe is considered an excellent appellate attorney by hispeers and continues to consider that his primary vocation. He is the immediatepast chair of the Houston Bar Association appellate practice section. Heproudly refers to himself as an appellate geek. In reality, however, he isfar more than a one-note artist. He has increasingly taken the lead indeveloping and managing complex personal injury and business litigation casesthat started out with forlorn potential. Through his sheer determination andlegal imagination, he has achieved incredibly favorable settlements in severalof these thorny cases during the last few years. He has done a remarkable jobconducting the discovery for these cases and preparing them for trial. Joe hasalso been a wonderful asset and resource in assisting the other attorneys inthe office with instant high-quality legal research and writing on short noticefor a wide variety of cases. Joe concentrates exclusively on civil cases.
Practice Areas:
Appellate, Cases Involving PublicFigures, Commercial Litigation, Personal Injury Claims
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