Robert R. "Bob" Cleary - Lawyer in Troy, MI

Robert R. "Bob" Cleary - Lawyer in Troy, MI
100 West Big Beaver Road, Suite 650,
Troy, MI 48084

About the lawyer

Robert R. "Bob" Cleary is an excellent lawyer from Troy, MI. Attorney Robert R. "Bob" Cleary works in an office located at 100 West Big Beaver Road, Suite 650, Troy, MI 48084. Troy lawyer Jared K. Miller will help you solve all issues in the following areas of law: Litigation - Labor and Employment, Labor, Employment and Employee Benefits, Improper Fetal Monitoring During Labor, Labor Law - Management, Labor Law - Union, Litigation Troy, MI. Robert R. "Bob" Cleary is the best lawyer in Troy, Michigan state!

Bob Cleary hassignificant experience both in the traditional labor setting representingmanagement in collective bargaining situations and in the employment litigationsetting where he has managed and defended a variety of discrimination,retaliation and harassment cases advanced in state and federal courts and stateand federal agencies.

In addition to hisexperience in private practice, Bob has twice served within a corporateclients legal staff, most recently for five years as Vice President? EmployeeRelations for the Taubman Company where he was responsible for allemployment-related legal matters, which included union and non-union employees.Bob also counseled Taubmans Development Group providing legal oversight withregard to construction projects, collective bargaining with trade unions, andemployment-related due diligence in mergers and acquisitions. Hisresponsibilities included the in-house defense and administration of chargesbrought before the EEOC and various state civil rights agencies, and responsesto union-related matters brought before the NLRB.

Bobs broad labor andemployment background involves over 35 years representing clients from adiverse range of industries including manufacturing, transportation, propertymanagement, construction, retail, public and private education, and the publicsector. He is also adept with respect to project employment arrangements tomeet client objectives such as the use of contract employees, independentcontractors and leased employees. Bob has also worked closely with clients inthe precise development of complex reduction-in-force initiatives and in thestrategic implementation of alternate dispute resolution systems. Bob served asa charter member of the Advisory Panel of the National Employment MediationServices.

Bob is a frequentspeaker for the Association of Corporate Counsel, the Institute of ContinuingLegal Education, the Original Equipment Suppliers Association, and the AmericanSociety of Employers.


University of Detroit Mercy
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